Category: Eli

Eli: Task I


.:*Reward: 88 Age Points, 30 Spenders*:.

.:*Ouch!  I’m not very good at this!  I’m so glad to see you!  My Bass Interceptor 6000 fishing pole broke!  Will you please collect the rod, reel, and lure so I can fix it?*:.


Click YES to start this Secret Search

Click YES to start

Find the fishing rod, reel, and lure

Click on the reel

Now click on the rod and lure

Give the Fishing Pole Parts to Eli to collect your reward

Give to earn reward


.:*Reward: 88 Age Points, 30 Spenders*:.
.:*Total: 88 Age Points, 30 Spenders*:.

Eli: Task II


.:*Reward: 194 Age Points, 45 Spenders*:.

.:*Ow!  I think I taped my hand to my leg!  Here, take the pole for awhile.  Are you up for some fishing?  I’m sooo hungry from my endless hour of walking up this level trail.  If you catch me some Tin Trout, I will gladly pay you.  How about 45 Spenders for three?*:.


Click YES to start this Secret Activity

Click YES to start

Click on the river in Blue Song Woods to catch a fish

Click on the river to fish!

Give three Tin Trout to Eli to collect your reward

Ew! This trout taste like tin!! XO

Give to earn reward

After finishing this task, Eli will say:

This Tin Trout was a little raw, but thank you!

Do fish bite?  I’ll need a weapon!  Could I get my fishing pole back from you?

I’ll trade my trusty flashlight for that fishing pole!  I promise, when you trade, you will always get something useful in return.

***Click TRADE to give Eli your fishing pole and get the flashlight***

This fishing pole will fend off fish AND bigfoot!

You should check your Stuff Stash for the flashlight I gave you.  It’s top of the line!

See if my buddy Gustavo needs help, would you?  He’s a little “unprepared” if you know what I mean.


.:*Reward: 194 Age Points, 45 Spenders*:.
.:*Total: 282 Age Points, 75 Spenders*:.